While I was looking at The Interfaith Youth Core’s (an amazing interfaith non-profit!) new website, I came upon Chris Stedman’s story under their Interfaith Leaders section. Chris Stedman is the Interfaith and Community Service Fellow for the Humanist Chaplaincy at Harvard University and the Managing Director of State of Formation at the Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue. Chris is also an active blogger, writing for the The Huffington Post Religion, and his own blog: Non-Prophet Status. Not only is Chris a very admirable interfaith activist, his own personal spiritual journey is incredibly powerful. While Chris was raised in a secular household, he converted to Evangelical Christianity when he was 11. After Chris came out he left the Church, and later came to identify as a Secular Humanist. Do check out his video from “The Calling,” and his blog posts!
-Nina Pine, Associate Coordinator CWC