Breakthrough 2 Love

This campaign begins the weekend of Valentine’s Day (Feb 15-17) and concludes at the end of Pride month (June 30).


Ways to Get Involved:

1 – Register To Preach or Teach

2 – Get Your Own Meme

Search Options then Make Your Own or Let Us Help You


There are more and more religious people and communities who are welcoming and supporting LGBT equality.  These faith communities and spiritual leaders have an important role to play in changing the way people think about religious doctrine and what it says about the LGBT community. Through the Breakthrough2Love campaign, congregations and communities are encouraged to preach, teach, or create specially themed services about LGBT equality, dignity, and full inclusion. Spiritual leaders
can create uniquely themed worship services, adult study/discussion sessions,
bible studies, lecture series, and equality themed liturgies.


Here’s how it works:

Step 1 — Make the decision to join us in participating in the Breakthrough 2 Love Campaign.
Step 2 — Register your congregation or community.
Step 3 — With your Meme, share the love for the LGBT community on Facebook or Twitter!.
Step 4 — Peruse the Breakthrough 2 Love website for resources such as Lectionaries, Sermon or Theme support, Music/Multi-Media, Prayers, and Discussion aids.  Check back periodically for additional ideas.
Step 5 — If you have any questions or need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
Step 6 — Enjoy creating and carrying out your Breakthrough 2 Love event!
Step 7 — We would love to hear about how your Breakthrough 2 Love event went!